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Dance has always been a big part of my life.

When I was 3-years old I started dancing balett, modern dance and jazz uptil an age of 19, performing on different stages, working with different coreographers and danceprojects around Sweden.

At 19 I started dancing salsa in Stockholm and after moving to Gothenburg I discovered my passion for teaching.

Dance have brought me so much joy and passion, even at the most difficult times in life and that is what I want to share with my dance students.

Dancing is really a way to express yourself and I want to help people find their own way to express their feelings/emotions through dance.

In my classes you will be able to learn the fundamentals of salsa which includes ladystyling, spin technique and partnerwork.


Salsa Linjestil:

Linjestilsalsa eller ”cross-body style” som den även kallas finns i flera former. Denna stil utvecklades i USA och paret dansar på en linje och byter plats genom steget ”cross-body lead”. Kvinnan blir förd på en rak linje och snurrarna förekommer mestadels på plats, och kan vara många.